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Please enter the 6 digit verification code we have sent to your email address.

Payment Successful

By entering your credit card details here you are authorising payment for this session, any follow up sessions you ask your therapist to book for you, and any other chargeable services you request from your therapist.Payment for this session (£94,95) will be taken immediately. Payment for follow up sessions booked by your therapist will be taken 48 hours before the session start time. The payment for follow up sessions will include the session fee and service charge. You may update or clear your card details at any time by editing your profile.

If you are not satisfied with your first session, we will offer to pay for you to meet with an alternative therapist. If you cancel no later than 48 hours before the start of the session you will receive a full refund.

Therapy Fee
Service Fee
Discount Fee
Total Price

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You can use web portal or mobile app to start your therapy.

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